Monday, September 28, 2009

The County Fair

Yesterday, we decided since it has been raining and nasty outside that our boys needed some fresh air. So Justin and Miranda invited us to go to the County Fair with them after church. We had such a good time, well, most of us. Kaitlin was mad because they didn't have rides like the Mississippi State Fair. The first thing she said when we got off of the bus was, "This is lame, can we go?" Oh high school kids! Anyway, we had a great time looking at all of the animals, especially the 2,800 pound cow! It was enormous! Mason loved the animals and petting them, me not so much, but I enjoyed seeing him so excited although he would have stayed on the cheese wagon that we had to ride and rode in circles!

Loving the Cheese Wagon!
This was his favorite part!
The 2800 pound cow!
Trying to figure out if he wants to touch the sheep or not!
The smaller the better!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Murder, A Mystery and A Proposal

Last night, Derek and I (alone thanks to my parents) went to the Vaundeville Cafe Murder Mystery featuring A Redneck- Italian Wedding. We went with a group of about 40 honoring what Courtney thought was a graduation party. Little did she know that all 40 of us knew what was really going on. Props to Michael for an amazing proposal and we were so thankful to share this special time between you and Courtney.
Michael probably a little nervous!
The future Village People!
Michael and Courtney being "investigated" for the murder!

The Officer finding a ring in Michael's pocket and
Courtney figuring out why she was really there!

Right before the question was asked!After she shook her head yes, she didn't and couldn't say anything!Congratulations Michael and Courtney!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Brotherly Love

Until last night, Mason has not paid much attention to Max. If Max cries, Mason just looks at him and he will kiss his head on occasion, but last night it was like all of a sudden Mason realized that Max existed. After telling Mason about ten times not to touch his eyes, Mason started rubbing Max's head and kissing him. It was very sweet although I was extremely nervous the entire time, but I think Mason is finally starting to notice that the thing in the bassinet, carrier, and that everyone is holding is an actual living thing. So after rubbing his head all night, both boys wiped out!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Maxwell Reese Bates

Hello to all of my blogging friends! Please excuse me for not updating sooner... we've been a little busy with birthing babies and all. Max arrived on September 1, 2009 at 4:18am. He weighed in at a whopping 8 pounds 14 ounces and was 21 and 3/4 inches long! He's a big boy! So many things about him and Mason are similar! With this delivery we decided to have my mom and sister in the room with us. Kaitlin was a trooper! She had asked if she could come in and I was slightly hesitant because A. I want nieces and nephews one day and B. She's slightly dramatic, but there towards the end she was right there catching a peek every now and then and seemed very excited to watch. I was also very glad to have my mom in there with me. It was nice just Derek and I but I also think that moms and daughters share something special that I hope if I ever have a daughter I can share that experiece with.
Derek and I are so thankful for our new edition! Mason... well he will get used to Max! But without further ado... Ladies and Gentlemen, Maxwell Reese Bates!

This one is Max!

This one is Mason!