Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Long Time No Blog

Well hello fellow bloggers! It's been a while since we last spoke, well almost a year! As you can imaging, so much has changed since then, so I will give you an update on all of us.
Derek: Derek is in the final stages of being hired on a VW. We are so excited about this opportunity that could happen soon. There are 3 process to it and he has one more and that's on the 30th and they will let him know if he has the job. The first process is a 8 hour work day where they test you to see your strong points. If you score well, the second process is to have a one on one interview. They must have loved him because the papers say 6- 18 weeks to allow them to review everything for you and they called him the next day. So the final process is blood work, a physical and a background check. They've already called him with the benefits package so keep your fingers crossed.
Mason: Mason is a talker! We have learned quickly that he likes to talk and that he is doing great at it. No more passy for him either which I think is why he has opened up so much. Some things are a little hard to understand, but for the most part he is doing great. I also have to thank my mom who reads to him everyday which is mostly to thank for this. He also has an amazing memory. I'll give you an example: back in May we went camping and we went and saw the ducks over in the creek by the Pancake Pantry, well we went again this past weekend and as soon as we turned onto the road where the creek was, he said, "Daddy, can we go see the ducks." He knew that's what we did last time so he wanted to do it again this time. He also had a birthday! HE'S 2!!!!
Max: What can I say about my sweet Max? He is so loving and smiles all the time. Food always makes him happy! He's walking now and climbing stairs. He's been walking now for about 3 weeks and I think Mason is partly to blame for this. Max loves to follow Mason around and do whatever he is doing. It's so sweet to watch them play together. We are getting ready for Max's first birthday! I can't believe a year has gone by. It seems like it was yesterday we were preparing for Mason, now we have 2 of the sweetest boys in the world. Max definitely makes our days brighter and we can't wait to watch our boys grow up.
Me: I wish that the post about myself was full of good news and accomplishments, but there has to be a "Debbie Downer" in ever group and today, I am it. Back in January I had a 10 centimeter cyst removed. Thankfully I have an amazing doctor who instructed me to do what was best for me at the time. Then in March, I went to my PCP for severe back pain. I had x-rays and nothing showed up and the back pain got better, so I didn't think anything of it. Then, I started noticing a severe weight gain, and my legs started "pitting" which means they were retaining water and when I pushed down on them, they would stay in a pit and not come up for several minutes. So, I went back to the doctor and she ran some tests and called me back the next day and said that I had the early stages of kidney failure. Well I lost it! Hello my name is Brittney, I'm 23 years old, have an amazing husband, 2 precious boys and oh by the way, I also have kidney failure. She said I would need to start seeing a Nephrologist. So I went to the doctor and it's not even close to kidney failure at this point. PTL! It could eventually turn into that if not treated, but we are treating it now and hopefully, this medication will work and we will see a significant change in my health soon. But I also have to have my gallbladder taken on next Tuesday. Not really looking forward to that one, but I am looking forward to being able to eat without getting sick

So in conclusion, please continue to keep my sweet family in your prayers! And I promise not to keep you waiting another 10 months for an update!