Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Have An 8 Month Old!

Mason is 8 months old today and I am in total shock! Where has the 8 months gone? Everyone always told me that it goes by fast, but I never imagined this. There have been nights that I thought that the day would never end, but it does and they don't ever stop.
Here are some new things that Mason has learned/ learning!

1. We now have a baby on the move. Mason is crawling and crawling agressivly. He sees something he wants and in seconds, he is there to get it. It's so cute to watch him crawl, but the best part is when he has to travel some distance, he BIG breath that he takes afterwards! It's so funny to hear!

2. By far my favorite, he says "Ma Ma!" For all of you mothers out there, yuo know how precious it is to hear these words come out of your childs mouth! No granted it's normally when he's crying and needing something that he says it, but it's still my name and it was first! We are still working on Da Da. Right now it's more like Ba Ba, but that's ok.

3. Mason is pulling up on everything that is stable, and sometimes things that aren't stable. He's walking from one piece of furniture to another. He can also walk while we are holding his hands, so we may have a walker by the 9 month post.

4. And finally and probably my dad's favorite, Mason has really developed a personality. He talks to us and is really into reading books and watching movies. He is learning who people are. And here is where my dad comes in. If my dad is in the room, Mason wants him. It doesn't matter what's going on, he wants my dad. He would rather have my dad than me, Derek, or my mom. He loves my dad and that doesn't hurt my dad's feelings one bit. My great grandmother always talks about how my dad would always go to his grandfather "Pa" that way. So I know that's how they are going to be with each other. They are going to be tight as dad puts it.

Here are some picture of Mason! We are so thankful for him and love him more everyday!

Mason 6 weeks old!

Mason Today!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update On Mason's Sleeping

Well, I would love to get on here and tell you that things have gotten better with Mason's sleeping habits, but unfortunately, they haven't. Mason is a wonderful baby by day, but by night, he's a cranky little boy and today, we are going to the doctor to find out why. Mason was doing good for about 3 nights when it came to sleeping, but this weekend, he started coughing again and sneezing a lot. So after talking to my mom and a friend of ours that works at his doctor's office, we are taking Mason in at 2 today. I feel horrible taking him all the time, but I am a first time mother who is just a little on the terrified side. He is pitiful. This morning when he woke up, I hit my limit. He just looked like he didn't feel good.
I just hope we can figure out what's going on today because he are heading to Ohio Friday and that would be a terrible trip if he were sick. So keep our family, especially our sweet Mason in your prayers!