Saturday, August 29, 2009

Waiting.... Waiting... Waiting On The World To Change!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, we are STILL waiting on Max. I must say I am at the point of miserable! I thought I was just miserable with Mason, but this is bad. Tomorrow is my due date and I went 6 days early with Mason. So by now, I am thinking that I should have a 5 day old especially since all I heard with this pregnancy was, "Oh I bet you will go early." Yeah right! There is no light at the end of this tunnel! We did go to the hospital last night. Jaime, such a trooper, was so great and encouraging, but all I did when I got in the car was cried. I am walking around at 5 centimeters and no chance of going any time soon. I am convinced this baby will have a strong will. Hey, who knows, maybe he'll never leave me! I better not say that! It's rather discouraging and disappointing, but I know it's just the Lord's way of not only preparing us, but making sure Max is as healthy as he can be before he gets here and when I look at it that way, I really can't be disappointed. Although I do feel bad because MiMi and Pop came down last night just knowing that I was going to have him last night. No pressure huh?
On a lighter note, we are almost done moving out of our house. Well, Derek is almost done moving us out of our house. It was such a spur of the moment thing that we decided to move in with mom and dad for a couple of months. Did we want to? Not really! It will be a major adjustment for us all, but they will also be helping us out tremendously especially with a new baby and a crazy Mason! We should be done moving this afternoon so maybe that's what Max is waiting on. For us to get somewhat situated amongst all of out chaos and then make his grand entrance. Either way, I cannot wait to see him and kiss those sweet cheeks that I have wanted to squeeze since our first ultrasound picture. Keep me, well us, in your prayers. Derek has probably had enough of his moody wife and I've had enough of well, I've just had enough!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Max is a matter of weeks in getting here. I must say that I am very anxious and very ready to have this baby. Especially since I have been in some pain here lately and the most agonizing, I found 3 stretch marks on my stomach this morning. I didn't get any with Mason and as far as the pain goes if I sit down or stand up for a long period of time then change my position, I must say it hurts and sleeping, well, you can pretty much guarantee there isn't a comfortable way to do this. I don't remember it being this bad with Mason, but then again, this baby already weighs as much as Mason did when he was born! So as the stress of moving here in the next week or so comes, I just hope I can hold him in for at least two weeks in order to have not only a healthier baby, but a good mindset and a place to put him!
Mason has been sick for the past 2 nights. It's his teeth and teeth have always given us a hard time, but this time is much worse. He is running a fever anywhere between 99- 102 and is extremely fussy at night. Tuesday night, I think we all got a total of 2 hours of sleep and last night, Mason decided that he wanted to play until midnight, so it has been rough, but I told Derek this morning when Mason woke us up at 5 that this has to be the Lord's way of preparing us for the weeks to come. When I look at it that way, I have to look at it in a positive way.
Just keep us in your prayers these next few weeks that we all make a smooth transition to a new house and a new baby! And a little bit of sleep in there somewhere wouldn't hurt!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where Do We Go From Here?

Ok, not as sappy as it seems. My dad sold our house! It's a wonderful blessing to him and we are so very thankful that we were able to stay there as long as we did. It's so much better renting from your dad! But he sold it this past weekend which means we have 30 days to find somewhere and get moved. No stress at all huh? BTW... in case you forgot I'M 8 MONTHS PREGNANT! I am measuring early so we might have a baby in the next 2-3 weeks. So to all of my blogging friends, we need help. If you know of any houses in the Hixson/ Soddy area that anyone is wanting to rent, please let us know! We would really appreciate it!