Thursday, August 28, 2008

Starting a new blog!

Ok, I am sorry if you have our old blog saved to your website, but we have a new one now since I cannot remember for the life of me what email address I used and what my password was, so here's a new one for you!
Here's an update on our Mason boy because Derek and I have come to realize that it no longer matters what happens in our life, only if Mason makes a funny noise or looks at you with those piercing blue eyes! Mason now weighs 12 pounds on the dot putting him in the 75% and a whopping 24 inches long putting him in the 100% for him age! Can anyone say Chicago Bulls? He's so tall that he is in the 3-6 months pants because the 0-3 months look like daisy dukes! He is so precious and Derek and I just eat him up! He has started smiling at you whenever you talk to him which has completely melted our hearts! We are now Mason puddles! We just love our baby so much!

On a lighter note, I start back to work Tuesday, devistated and loaded down with Kleenex! I cry about everything! I guess the hormones haven't worn off at all! I cried when we moved him up to the next size in bottles and even in diapers! It's terrible and I am sure I am drving my husband crazy. Monday morning, Mason woke up ready to eat, which by the way, he sleeps from 11 pm- 6 or 7 am, THANK YOU JESUS, but Mason ate his usual 6 ounces and was ready for more, so as I was crying while burping him, I very tearfully asked Derek to make 2 more ounces! My boy is getting so big!
He has completely spoiled us rotten because he's so good! I'm almost scared to ever have another one! Well, not really, Mason needs a sister!
We are heading to Ohio this weekend so we will update after!

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