Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Sunday Traditions

Ever since I was a little girl, my mom every Sunday morning made me and dad, and later Kaitlin Cinnamon Rolls. We woke up every Sunday morning to the sweet smell of Pillsbury cinnamon Rolls. so I decided that I wanted Mason to have a tradition that he could say that his (incredibly awesome mommy) did every Sunday morning. So I decided to continue the Oscai house tradition and I woke up early Sunday morning and made Derek and I cinnamon rolls. Mason just enjoyed watching us! It was nice having something to look forward to that morning.

As far as updates go- Mason hasn't stopped growing much to me dispair! He's becoming a young man and not just a baby anymore! He's sleeping great and has a great appetite! He's holding his head up and loves his baths! Every night when he gets out of the tub, we all pile up on our bed and play for about an hour! He enjoys it and Derek and I truly cherish the time with him.

I can't believe that Mason is 14 weeks old today! It's breaking my heart into a million pieces! It seems like only yesterday that I called Derek, my mom, Brittany, and Courtney and told them that they were taking me in at midnight! Words cannot describe how excited I was! Mason is a wonderful baby and Derek and I couldn't ask for a sweeter boy!

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