Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Baby Food Good? I think not!

Ok, so a few weeks ago, we got clearance from Dr. Wiley to go ahead and start baby food with Mason. He said to start out with the vegetables, do each veggie 4 days to make sure he wasn't allergic to them, then once all of the veggies were completed, go on to fruits. So our journey began with green beans. At first he wasn't quite sure what to do, but once he got the hang of it, he loved them. Then we went on to carrots which were a big hit, then we went to squash which he approved of as well. Then, to much of my dismay, we tried peas. Derek and I hate peas so we were praying that Mason didn't like them either, more like I was praying because I would be making a pot of peas just for him, but I think I would deal with it for my sweet baby! I want him to be a kid who will at least try anything and not be the kid that doesn't want to eat something just because his mommy and daddy don't.

So anyway, since he liked everything else, I thought for sure he would be a "weird- o" and like peas as well, so of course I stocked up on them. Well, Mason isn't the eater that I thought he was. The first bite of peas- which smell horrible I might add, he spit them out all over himself and me, and then began to gag. I thought it was just a first time reaction, so I tried again, and he did the same thing. So needless to say, if your kid likes peas, call me, I have plenty.

On the other hand, we have started the fruits now. Bananas were so so and applesauce? Well, see for yourself! Stay tuned for more.....

Starting up with some carrots! Applesause is next
Ah, what is this stuff?
Please do not make me eat anymore!
Still not quite sure about this!

Hey mom, I like baby food!

A little sour!

Mommy- I think I am done!


Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Oh how sweet! I never liked the baby food stage because it is so messy! My kids hated peas too, I think its the texture! :)

theotherridges said...

What a wonderful time! It is so much fun!

kathy said...

Looking at his sweet face, I suddenly have a "I need to kiss Mason's face" attack!!