Thursday, April 30, 2009

To All My Blogging Friends...

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that my mom has started a blog for her and my dad! Make sure you check them out and add them to your Blog Friends!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Let The Savings Begin!

Some friends of mine at church have started cutting coupons and have really been saving quite a bit of money here lately. I am all about saving money so I thought that I would give it a try. I have never been one to cut coupons because 9 times out of 10 I forget that I have cut them and they expire. Then, instead of just wasting money, I have also wasted time. But I have been thinking a lot about it and I have a strategy on how to do such things and thanks to Claire and Beth's inspiration, I have already saved $20. So my plan goes as follows:

1. Cut coupons throughout the week and on Sunday.
2. Sunday afternoon, gather all of my coupons together and make my grocery list.
3. Plan out my meals for the week keeping my coupons in mind.
4. Monday, head to the store/ stores for major savings.
Now Claire and Beth are hosting a class at church on Sunday night about coupon savings so I know they will have some more tips for me, but until then, this is how it's going to go in the Bates house!

BTW... just in case you were wondering what I saved my money on (I am sure so many of you are) I bought 6 steaks (we had company last night) and 8 fresh pieces of corn (with the shuck) regular would be $40.42, but I got everything for $20.63. I was so excited. I have also started writing it down when I save. I am big on when I am starting something, I like to see the results of it.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Playing Around

I have finally found some time to post some pictures of Mason who turned 10 months old yesterday! Can you believe it? He will be one in 8 weeks!

Looking out the window at Ya Ya and Poppy's!

Playing in the grass at K K's tennis match!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Things To Never Say At Your Doctor's Office

Now that I am in my new job, I am learning a lot of things not to say at your doctors office. Just in case you are ever in the following situations... just know that we will go in the back and talk about you if you say the following:
1. When you ask where the restroom is and we direct you to the facility, never say "Well, is there one in the back, I need to doo doo." This actually happened today and thanks to this gentleman, we are all nauseous!
2. When we ask you if this is a yearly mammogram, never say "Yes, this is my yearly tit smash." Very funny, but before we call you back, every employee will know about it.
3. Never go back for a HIDA Scan (checks to see the functioning of the gallbladder, it's also a 2 hour test) and get back there only for us not to find your gallbladder then you proceed to tell us that you had it out years ago. Thanks! I guess your gallbladder wouldn't be functioning very well then would it? Which leads to number 4.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We would just like to save you some embarrassment!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ode To Old Blue

This morning was a sad sad morning. I got up, got in the shower and began to dry my hair. I kissed my husband good bye and talked to my mom while she got Mason ready for the day. I finished drying my hair and put my hair dryer in the sink like I do every morning. I stepped into my closet to get my scrubs when all of a sudden I heard my hair dryer turn on. I thought my mom was playing with Mason so I didn't think anything of it until I looked around the corner and saw no one in front of the hair dryer. That's right! My hair dryer in the off position turned on by itself. Then it proceeded to spark and smoke. I unplugged it immediately to avoid a house fire. The wire was hot and the smoke smelled terrible!
I have to bury old blue today in my sentimental box. It's a depressing day and I don't think I will ever find another hair dryer quite like this one!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We Have A Walker

On July 20th, 1969, man first walked on the moon. On April 5th, 2009, Derek and I witnessed the first steps our son would ever take. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Mason is in the process of walking. And wouldn't you know it that he walked for food!
We were at mom and dad's house Sunday evening. MiMi and Pop were in so we were visiting with them. Mason has been getting brave these last few weeks with his standing up alone. Mom put some Sweet Potato Puffs on the chair and stood Mason up and wouldn't you know he took 2 steps alone to grab his new favorite snack. So of course we immediately get the video camera out and keep trying to get him to do it again. He just kept on walking for those puffs. He loved all the "YAY MASON!" feedback from the crowd so of course anything he can do for attention, he's going to keep doing.
Dad got all of it on film. Along with Mason acting silly and Pop laughing so hard at him he was in pain. Derek and I don't know if we were laughing at Mason or Pop more. He's got all sorts of new tricks but our favorite and greatest milestone is walking. We are going to Mississippi this weekend for Easter and I hope he pulls out all of his tricks for my family. We are so excited to see all of them. Yay for Mason!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Beach

We went to Panama City Beach for a couple of days during Spring Break and I must say that I wouldn't mind if I never went back there again, although, the house we stayed in was amazing. It was some friends of ours from church and it's gorgeous! Mason did not like the beach so you can see where we spent our time....
Mason thought that the pool was so elaxing, we almost fell asleep in his float!

Matt and Mandy's Wedding

March 14 marked Matt and Mandy's wedding day! We are so excited for them and the new life they are starting together. Matt and Derek grew up together and Matt was the best man in our wedding almost a year ago so Derek had to return the favor! Although it was bitter sweet because Matt got transferred to Oklahoma City for work, we are so happy for them! We just hope they hurry home!
Daddy and his best friend!

Josh, Matt and Derek

Bye Guys! Congratulations!