Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1 Year Wellness Visit

Mason went to see Dr. Wiley today for his one year check up. It never ceases to amaze me how much we love this doctor. He is truly amazing and always takes time to answer our questions and plays with Mason so that he isn't terrified of the doctor. Mason weighed in at 24.6 pounds putting him in the 70% and 33 1/2 inches long which makes him between the 99- 100% for height. Dr. Wiley always says that Mason needs to be practicing his jump shot because he is going to be a BIG boy. I wonder who on Earth he gets that from?

Our BIG concern with this visit was milk. Last week we tried Mason on whole milk for the first time and he loved it but his tummy did not. He had a stomach ache for about 4 days and that made for a few sleepless nights. We weren't sure if it was the milk or a stomach bug because that was also going around with Kim's kids when they were in and Pop was also sick. So we knew it was either the milk or the bug. So Dr. Wiley suggested Silk Soy Milk Vanilla flavored. It sounds disgusting to me, but if Mason likes it and it agrees with his stomach, I guess we will have a Soy drinker on our hands. He loves water and doesn't show much interest in drinking anything else so we will see. Derek and I both had issues with milk when we were younger so I guess it's just a part of life.

Mason also had to get 4 shots today and that didn't go over very well. He normally does great with shots, but this time was different and the nurse said it was because these shots sting on their way in and have more side effects to them and he's liable to be in a bad mood for a couple of days! Awesome! Just what I wanted to hear with tons of our family coming in this weekend for my parents party. So I just hope its all over by Thursday when people start getting here.

So Mason is doing great and got an A+ on his health! I am so thankful for a healthy baby! We go back at 15 months with Max for his 3 day check up! Hopefully I can time them just right and we can all go togehter! We'll see! Max already seems to be a little stubborn so he may have a schedule of his own!

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