Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tag, I'm It! Seven Random Facts About Me!

1. The day I had Mason, although filled with excitement, nervousness, and thrill, I felt in some way, I was fulfilling part of my purpose that God has placed before me. Something about holding that sweet baby in my arms, I felt like this is what I was made to do. Derek and I love children and don't plan on stopping with Mason. We love Ansley and can't wait until Cooper gets here! Derek always gets mad because Mason will snuggle with me all night long and not Derek, but his time is coming if we ever have a little girl! He brings an overwhelming amount of joy to our lives. I can still not look at him sometimes without crying. Just something about his smile that melts my heart. He's so special to us and we can't wait to watch him grow. I love my life as a mommy and wife.
2. I knew on our first date that I would marry Derek one day! I can't explain it. Maybe women's intuition, but I knew. The funny thing is, the year before when our friends Craig and Meredith tried to "hook us up" we told them that we hated each other. We have many funny stories with Craig and Meredith, like the time that Craig asked us if we were "boyfriend" and "girlfriend"... by the way, it was only our second date! Very weird! Thanks Craig!
3. My favorite movies are Dumb and Dumber and Steel Magnolias. So much so that I can quote them line for line in both movies. I will spare you the fun, but I think I could watch these movies everyday and never get bored with them! Derek gets so mad and pretty much refuses watching these movies with me because I laugh hysterically at the same things, quote the lines, and say "This is the best part" about pretty much the entire movie.
4. I hate to shop! I am a weird girl I know! It just aggravates me to no end to walk into a mall, try on about 30 things and not find one that is suitable. I guess I am a little picky, but it drives me crazy! I would rather have my sisters hand me downs when she is over them after wearing then twice.
5. I am OCD about my bed. I may not make it before I leave for work, but before I get in it that night, even if it's for 5 seconds, my bed will be made. I cannot stand to get into the bed with the sheets all gathered and the comforter all over the place! AAAHHH!!! It's so nerve wracking. I have to have tight sheets and the comforter has to be even on both sides and tight.
6. There are certain words in the English language that if people don't say them correctly, it drives me crazy. So much so, that I have a list:

The Incorrect Pronunciation The Correct Pronunciation

1. nakin 1. napkin

2. pukin 2. pumpkin

3. Valentimes 3. Valentines

4. birfday or birtday 4. birthday

I'm sure there are plenty more, but these are my main ones.
7. I love clean sheets and shaved legs. May sound like a weird combination, but that's such a good night in my house. I love the feeling of ice cold sheets and smooth legs. I usually have clean sheets in my house at least twice a week if not more. The sheets get washed before my clothes:)

Since there is no one left, and I am the last one, I tag no one... maybe Meredith if she hasn't already done it or someone hasn't tagged her! Or if I could get my husband to sit down for 5 minutes, I tag him! Maybe that should have been one of mine, I am always the last to know and do everything!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I would of thought you loved shopping. I love it when my lil' sis gives me her old clothes too! Your new background is very pretty.