Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Six Random Facts About Me

I got tagged by Alisha.

Rules: Write 6 random things about myself, link the person who tagged you & post the rules. Tag six people and link them. Let them know they have been tagged.

1. I could eat cereal every meal of every day and not get sick of it. I love cereal! I, like Alisha, hate soggy cereal so I always pour a big bowl of milk and then pour a little cereal at a time until my milk is gone. It seems like I am being a major pig because it ends up being like 12 bowls, but it's really only about 3 when you see how much I put in there.

2. Derek and I are addicted to Grey's Anatomy. We watch at least one episode a night. We started with Season 2 and then went back to 1. Now we are done with 3 and are ready to buy 4.

3. My favorite noise in the entire world is when Mason laughs. It's hilarious. He's the sweetest boy in the world and when he laughs you can tell it's a gut laugh and he loves to play and laugh.

4. I love going home and putting on my "fat" clothes. After being at work all day, I love to come home put on a pair of pajama pants and a t- shirt and lounge around. It's a great feeling.

5. I don't go or walk anywhere without shoes. I wear flips flops around the house even on the carpet. I hate feeling carpet on my feet. And I'm not really quite sure why I wear them every where else, but I don't get out of the shower or anything without my shoes. I'm a weirdo!

6. I just took my Christmas decorations down last night. I know, LAZY SLOTH comes to mind, but I enjoyed so much putting our decorations up in OUR house this year and I just hated parting with them.

I tag Brittany W, Courtney W, Lydia, Natalie, Kellie, and Veryll!

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