Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Sleep Or Not To Sleep...

I know at night when I lay down to sleep, I should be thankful that I have a beautiful home, a wonderful husband, and a very sweet and healthy baby, but the sweet baby has been hard to believe these past few weeks. I bragged so much on Mason for about a month on how he had been sleeping through the night in his bassinet for about 10 weeks, but the past month has been horrible in our house!
Mason had not been sleeping good at all. He would wake up around 1 and not go back to sleep until around 3 or 3:30! Now, it wouldn't be so bad if I were able to stay home with him and hopefully take a nap during the day when he did, but Derek and I wake up at 6:30 every morning and get ready for work, so we need as much sleep as possible! So when Mason wakes up, it's terrible and when he screams for an hour, it's even worse.
Last night was no exception. We tried everything. Feeding him, rocking him, letting him cry it out, and trying to get him to play! Nothing helped, he would cry, then fall asleep, and as soon as we tried to lay him down or even us sit down, he would start screaming again! So finally around 3, Derek gave him to me and he fell asleep on my chest where he stayed until 6:30 this morning.
Come to find out, this morning when I checked his mouth, there were 2 teeth poking through. So bless his heart, he was in pain. So keep up in mind these next few days as the teeth begin to grow that we will have a smooth transition!

1 comment:

The Sandefurs said...

Mason's buddy Carson has been waking up to eat but thankfully, goes right back to sleep. Us poor mamas!! Boys, go to sleep!!