Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We Have A Walker

On July 20th, 1969, man first walked on the moon. On April 5th, 2009, Derek and I witnessed the first steps our son would ever take. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Mason is in the process of walking. And wouldn't you know it that he walked for food!
We were at mom and dad's house Sunday evening. MiMi and Pop were in so we were visiting with them. Mason has been getting brave these last few weeks with his standing up alone. Mom put some Sweet Potato Puffs on the chair and stood Mason up and wouldn't you know he took 2 steps alone to grab his new favorite snack. So of course we immediately get the video camera out and keep trying to get him to do it again. He just kept on walking for those puffs. He loved all the "YAY MASON!" feedback from the crowd so of course anything he can do for attention, he's going to keep doing.
Dad got all of it on film. Along with Mason acting silly and Pop laughing so hard at him he was in pain. Derek and I don't know if we were laughing at Mason or Pop more. He's got all sorts of new tricks but our favorite and greatest milestone is walking. We are going to Mississippi this weekend for Easter and I hope he pulls out all of his tricks for my family. We are so excited to see all of them. Yay for Mason!


LTF said...

Yay for Mason! The chase is on now, mom!

The Sandefurs said...

Oh my goodness! He's an early walker, but watching how purposeful and determined he plays in the nursery, I am not surprised. We have Hudson's first steps on video too. Precious moments!