Monday, July 27, 2009

Davie/ Mason Crockett

This past weekend, my mom and dad took Mason camping in Gatlinburg. I must say it was very difficult being away from my sweet precious for more than one night, but I did get some rest that was much needed. Saturday morning, I woke up to this picture message. See, Mason refuses to wear hats. We have tried many times, and he hates them. He doesn't even like for Derek or my dad to wear them. He takes them off of their heads every time he sees them in one. So Saturday morning, they went to the Pancake Pantry (Derek and I were very jealous) and Mason finally found a hat that he liked. Or he liked to look at himself in the hat. He liked it so much so that not only did my parents buy the hat, but he walked down the Gatlinburg strip with his "Coon Skin" hat. And of course when we went to pick him up yesterday afternoon, he was sporting his new found friend. See for yourself...

1 comment:

Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Oh wow Britt... take that dead animal off his head!!! :)