Friday, January 9, 2009

Sing With Me... How Great Is Our God!

I was going to wait until the fast was over to tell all of this, but this was so wonderful that it couldn't wait! Ever since our fast has started Sunday, we have had a blessing every day! Day after day we see the fullness of God's grace and yesterday, just like he always seems to do, the Lord blew me off of my feet.
One of the major things Derek and I have been fasting for is our finances. Being a newly married couple with a new baby doesn't always mean the easiest circumstances and we never really expected them to be, but since about November, it's been very difficult to make it.
We were talking Wednesday night and all day Thursday about our bills. They just seemed to overwhelm us. I always try to look at the positive, but here lately, it been difficult for even me to do that. I called Derek crying on my lunch break on Thursday telling him that I know we won't make it and we were trying to figure out our best option. Me get a second job, file bankruptcy (not really but I felt that was what we needed to do) I was completely in a panic. So Derek said that we could sit down Thursday night and get on a strict budget. I agreed and I always hate these conversations with anyone because it's depressing and hard on everyone to talk about the short comings of their finances.
I called Derek on my way home from work and he had picked Mason up from my mom and we would be home around the same time.
The first thing I do every day when I get home is check the mail. So Thursday was no different. Mason got a book, Derek got a letter from the church, and I got an envelope from SunTrust, my previous employer. Well, of course I think it's a bill, or my W- 2 or something and I almost don't want to open it, but something inside me was telling me to open it.
I pulled in the garage and opened the envelope and there was a check for $599.22! I just began to cry, almost uncontrollably. Derek pulls in the garage seconds later thinking that something is wrong with me. I can't even open the door to get out so he is trying to open the door to get in and he says, "What wrong, what is it?" All I could do was show him the check and all we could do was cry together.
Thursday night we started writing out the bills that equaled $599.22, the amount of the check.
God is forever faithful! We will make it because of his faithfulness!


V-n-J said...

What a great testimony! God is SO faithful and knows our every need. Keep believing and trusting:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Brittney. God continues to prove to us how faithful he is!!! Awesome!

Lindsay Adkins said...

That's so awesome... God is so faithful :) Thanks for sharing!!!

Blake, Alisha, and Jackson said...

What a great blessing!

The Sandefurs said...

Wow! The Lord is so, so faithful!