Friday, May 29, 2009

Away For The Weekend!

We are leaving for Mississippi today when I get off of work. I know, BIG surprise as to our destination! I am excited, but sad to leave Derek behind. Girls (and Mason) only! Derek and dad will be extremely busy all weekend with the VW Visitor Center, so me, mom, K K (or Tay Tay) as Mason calls her, and Mason are heading to Mississippi! We didn't want to sit at home alone! I feel bad for leaving Derek, but he's so exhausted by the time he rolls into the house around 9 or so every night that he probably will enjoy a little break! Pray for our safety and Derek and dad's while we are gone!
As for an update on Mason's terrible injury, he's doing great. It definitely hasn't slowed him down. He was jumping out of the "Thinking Chair" at Ya Ya's house the other day! He is fearless! A part of me is thankful for that, but the mother in me is terrified. He only has 3 stitches now instead of 5. He has either rubbed them out or they have dissolved. To save us a trip to the doctor's office, I had the nurse here at work look at it and she said as long as the wound is opening back up, it looks great. There will be a scar, but we are just thankful that it was just simple stitches. I can tell that it is bothering him because he tries to scratch it and that has been our biggest battle. But I don't care how many scars he has, he's still the most precious baby and we love him scars and all.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Anniversary Part 2/ A Trip To The ER

Derek and I are truly lame! For our anniversary, we ate at my parents house! LAME! We just had such a busy weekend, we just felt like doing nothing. So we went up there for dinner and decided to go on home around 8. So we get home to start our nightly routine. Derek shower, Brittney shower, Mason tub, Mason oatmeal and bottle, and everyone asleep! Well, Monday night, our routine was completely disregarded and we spent it at T.C. Thompson Emergency Room. What a great way to spend your anniversary or any night for that matter huh?
So here's the story. We are in the middle of our routine. Derek is out of the shower, I am getting in and Mason is playing. We have noticed that Mason is,well, clumsy. He is learning to walk and he often sees something that he wants at the other end of the room and doesn't care what's in the way as long as he gets there which often results in a crash. So Monday night was no exception, except for the fact that the bathroom wall got in the way. So he falls, he hits the wall, he screams, Derek jerks him up and I see the blood. Because I had to ask forgiveness for what I said, I will not repeat the words that came out of my mouth at that moment. I jumped out of the shower, didn't dry off, grabbed the first articles of clothing (minus a bra:), grabbed Mason a change of clothes and screamed, "Get him in the car, we are going to the emergency room." Derek BTW still doesn't have clothes on because he had just got out of the shower TMI I know but I had to paint the complete picture. So I take Mason, call mom and dad and tell them to meet us at Northpark. By the way, I am holding my favorite shirt on Mason's head to stop the bleeding. Mason is screaming and I am uncontrollably crying and the guilt of being the worst mother ever is consuming me. So we get in the car and I remember Courtney's adventure like this one with Jacob, Northpark won't treat infants/ toddlers. Remember that mom's and dad's! So I tell him to go to T.C. Thompson. We call my parents back and tell them to meet us there. Derek keeps trying to calm me down as I am wiping the blood off of my son that they will probably just send us home with some band- aids and tell us not to worry about it. I finally get the majority of the blood off as we are veering onto Amnicola Highway and Derek looks at the cut and says, "Maybe a few stitches or some glue."
So I go running into T.C. Thompson with Mason laughing by the way and check in. I am sitting there with all of the mothers looking at me like, "Great job woman." My mom and dad get there and they are trying to calm me down and Mason is playing with dad. So we go back in the back and they putting the numbing cream on Mason and he is still not acting like anything is wrong. And at 10:45, they come in to stitch him up which was terrible. I don't know if it were worse for Derek and I or Mason. He screamed for the first 3 stitches and cried so hard that he fell asleep for the last 2. So a total of 5 stitches on his head above his right eye. I don't even think he was screaming because of the injury because they say it doesn't hurt, but he was screaming because he was papoosed, Derek was holding his legs down, I am holding his arms and upper body down, the nurse, Kelly (she was amazing) is holding head down and he is still breaking loose.
Needless to say, we are a nervous wreck and follow him around even more than we did. I felt/ feel like to worse mom ever, but I am so thankful that God was watching over Mason and there wasn't more complications and it will be a simple scar and a memory for the baby book. I am still shaken up from it all and devastated that my precious baby was hurt. There is nothing worse than that. Thank you all for checking up on him and the prayers for not only Mason, but for Derek and I as well.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend, we went with Justin and Miranda and went camping at Chester Frost. We all had so much fun! Mason loved feeding the geese and playing in the swimming pool. Here are some pictures from the weekend!

Feeding the ducks with Daddy!

Plumbers Crack!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is mine and Derek's anniversary! I can't believe it's already been a year since we said "I Do." We have had many obstacles to over come, but with the Lord's help, we have done it every time. Of course we did things a little differently, but the Lord is never hit with surprises and he never gives us things that we can't handle. I have to be honest... the day that I packed (well Kaitlin packed) my things, I was devistated to leave home. Any time I had questions, my mom was right down the hall or down stairs and I always felt safe knowing that my dad was there. So now I had to totally rely on someone else to take care of me. Not that I ever had any doubt that Derek could or would do it, but I was still scared.
I am so thankful for Derek. He is an amazing husband and an amazing father to Mason and I know he will be to Max as well. He is everything that I could ask for and more! I never have to wonder if I will be taken care of! There isn't an option to him. He is the spiritual leader of our house, he is my comedian, my help, and my best friend.
Happy Anniversary Derek! I love you!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Savings Hunter

Ok, so Derek is obsessed with the show "Dog, The Bounty Hunter." Please do not ask me why because I do not have the answer to that question, but every Wednesday night after church, that's what we watch. Anyway, back to the reason of the post. I told Derek that I had to go to the store. I had been clipping coupons and glancing at the weekly ad all week and finally made my "savings grocery list." We all made a trip to Bi- Lo last night and I started piling up our buggy. I think Derek started getting nervous when I told him he would have to push because it was getting heavy. So off we go through every isle and I am loading it on. Derek kept saying, "Just cause it's on sale doesn't mean you have to get it, we don't eat that stuff." Well, yes we do I am just so cheap I never buy it unless it's on sale. So we get to the front to check out and the lady didn't ask for my Bonus Card. So she's ringing me up and hits total, $174.04. I looked at Derek with an "Oops, I'm sorry look." And she said, "Oh, I'm sorry, do you have your bonus card?" Bonus card scanned, total bill now $101.71 for a total savings of $72.33. GO ME! Derek was a lot happier about that and I could tell by his sigh of relief! I also went to CVS yesterday, just in case you are wondering CVS stands for "Chattanooga Imaging Vacationing Spot." It's where we break. I saved $21.86. Their make- up is buy one get one and I needed all of my make up so I stocked up! 2 mascaras, 2 eyeliners, 2 blushes, 2 powders, a bag of Funyuns, and a bag of cotton candy $22.03. So I was very excited and I don't have to buy make up for a while!
Savings can be done, if you just hunt for them.
Biggest savings of the day- Bi- Lo weekly ad 4 (12 pack) of Coke products for $9.88!
We have a big weekend planned, but don't think I am not going to take full advantage of the Old Navy sale tomorrow! $1 flip flops!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ewwww That Smell!

Sorry, I had to break out a little Lynyrd Skynyrd to title this one! You know you are singing along. Thanks to my fabulous dad, the smell in my house is not gone. And just like I predicted, it was a dead cat. Mom is sad and is going to give the cat a proper funeral service. Just kidding:) I am just so thankful that my house doesn't smell like rotten cabbage anymore that it's not even fazing me; not to mention, I hate cats! So here's the story and turn of events from yesterday.
12:45- I go home for lunch to find that I can't even walk into my house without the thought of gagging. The heat had made the smell worse.
12:47- I call Derek telling him the smell is worse. He still doesn't believe that it's a dead animal just the fact that our house needs another "deep clean." I almost told him that he could take care of that one alone since he was being a butt about it.
12:50- I call my dad infuriated because I know the smell and he and mom agree that there is something under the house. He plans to go over there when Derek gets off of work.
4:45- I call mom to check on Mason and they are about 5 minutes away from my house and she will call me and let me know what's going on.
4:50- I text mom to check the progress and dad opened the crawl space door to have flies in his face and to begin to gag. There is without a doubt something under the house.
5:03- I call mom to tell her I am on my way home to hear Kaitlin yell, "It was a cat." Then mom says, "Aw, that's sad it was a cat and your dad is gagging."
5:15- I walk into the house, all windows are open and the fans going full blast.
6:15- Start cleaning
8:15- SMELL GONE!!!
I am so glad that the smell is gone and I can sleep in a house that smells good. I am so glad my dad toughed it out for us! I felt horrible for him! I felt worse for him probably than mom did for the cat! So there's our nasty story in conclusion! Sorry to gross you out!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An Embarrassing, But True Story

I have never considered myself a super neat freak. In fact, if you ask my mother, my sister and I did not get the clean gene passed down from the Scoggin/ Lang women (my mother's family.) My MiMi, my mom, and my Aunt Kim are all very neat and orderly people. In fact I have to give props to my aunt who's house always seems to be clean despite having 3 young children. But that is one thing that I have never been. I wouldn't say I'm nasty or dirty, I just tend to wait until the last minute to clean or I get in a mood and I don't stop till it's clean. I just had one of these spells last week. We moved all of our furniture and I cleaned baseboards, Derek cleaned out our pantry, and I really felt like I accomplished something and I slept better that night. Well, it's been a week and I must admit that our laundry is backed up and our house could use a touch up.
Anyway, the reason for the story. About 5 weeks ago, I came home from work and was talking to Derek and we heard a cat. Well, of course we think that the cat is in our house. We look everywhere for this thing. See there had been a cat roaming around our house for a few days and we had even caught it in our garage. So we thought that it may have snuck in while I was taking groceries in or something. We found no cat. So we decided that it must have been outside and there was nothing to worry about until Sunday. We got up Sunday and did our morning routine. Mason had a "muddy" diaper and Derek decided it put it in our garbage can in our kitchen. Please do not ask me why because I don't have the answer. So we come home from church Sunday afternoon and it smells really bad in the house. So we thought that it was the diaper. Derek takes the diaper out and I spray Lysol and continue with my day. We went to Justin and Miranda's house that evening and came back home to the smell again. I spray Lysol, clean up around the house, mop, and light some candles. Monday same smell. And finally last night, I came home from Justin and Miranda's again and thought that I was going to pass out. Not good for a pregnant woman. It smelled so bad in our house, I was thinking about going to my parents house. I woke up this morning to the smell again and when mom came to get Mason, I asked her if she smelled it. Well DUH! Of course she smelled it and she says it smells like something has died under our house. So my mind goes back to 5 weeks ago when we heard the cat. Come to think of it, we haven't seen that can in quite some time. About a week in fact. So needless to say, I called my old faithful dad and asked him to come by the house sometime today. He of course reminded me that I have a husband and that THEY will check under the house this afternoon.
I know it's disgusting! I am just hoping that some other women will share their stories or comments and that I am not the only one this has happened to. Hopefully they will find the "source" of the problem today and I can have a "clean" fresh smelling house soon! Sorry, no visitors until then, I don't think I even want to be there!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Update On The Bates Family

Not much to report for the Bates family, but I will give you as many updates as possible.
Mason: HE'S WALKING EVERYWHERE! It's so cute to watch him walking around. My favorite is to watch him after he's had his bath and we have drenched him in his baby lotion and his hair is curling up in the back and he has his pajamas on and his little tummy sticks out while he's playing. It's too precious! I love when he's walking around playing with his toys. He entertains himself which is a blessing. I can remember Kaitlin being that way when she was little. I just hope he doesn't sneak off and eat dog food like she used to do. I guess I don't have to worry about it- we don't have a dog. We are also working on a tooth. No it's not the top middle ones, but as Derek likes to call mine, it's a fang tooth. So we will have 2 bottom teeth and two fang teeth. Just call him snags. I don't understand how that works, but it's starting to look quite funny. He's sleeping a lot better. I think the walking is making him tired. Thank you Jesus!
Max: He's a growing boy! He's getting bigger everyday and kicks and moves around a lot. He's not really to the point where you can see him moving, but you can definitely feel him. I get to look at him all the time here at work! Be jealous ladies:) That's a perk of working at a doctor's office! He looks a lot like Mason's ultrasound pictures. Derek got to come to the office and look at him and agrees that he looks a lot like Mason. We can't wait till he gets here!
Derek: Derek is working on getting on with the City of Chattanooga as a fireman. Talk about making me a nervous wreck! We have a study manual and he got a letter to take his test on June 17th. So please be praying for him. He's really wanting to do this and I think it will be great for him to be doing something that he is looking forward to. They didn't have any work for almost two weeks so he got to be a stay at home daddy for a few days and really enjoyed it. He got to spend some quality time with Mason and it gave my mom a break for a few days, but I think she missed Mason:) But thankfully the Lord provides and Derek had some side jobs that he was able to do and he did an amazing job on a couple at our church's house. I don't mind to brag at all!
Brittney: Not much going on with me. I am for the most part over the sickness part of the pregnancy, but there are things that tend to make me queasy still, but I am so thankful that I am on the ladder part of it. I must say that I am huge. It's all belly, but I am pretty big. They say you get a lot bigger with your second than with your first. I believe it. I am really looking forward to mine and Derek's anniversary coming up this week. I'm not really sure what we are doing just yet, but I am still looking forward to it. It's hard to believe that I have been married to my best friend for almost a year. We have had a few bumps in the road, but everyday I look forward to being at home with him.
That's all that's really going on with us. Stay tuned for more!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Let The Cravings Begin...

It's not like me to post 2 times in one day, but I had to let the world know that I am starting to get over my sickness... Thank You Jesus! And my cravings have begun. Today's items include but are not limited to: Orange Kool Aid, Subway turkey sub with mayo, pickles and black olives and McDonald's french fries. Last night I was craving Raisin Bran. Sorry if that makes you nauseous, I'm just so thankful that it's not me that nauseated, I have to share it with the world! Have a great day!

My First Mother's Day!

I cannot believe that yesterday I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day! As lame as it may sound, I have waited for this day to come for many years. I have made the comment before that I knew the day that I had Mason I was fulfilling part of my purpose. Some people have no desire to have children, I on the other hand have always wanted children even as a little girl playing with baby dolls and even when Kaitlin was born, I wanted a baby. So yesterday was very special to me even though Mason had no idea what was going on, Derek made it special for me. I went and got a manicure on Friday as part of my "present." I always enjoy being pampered. Saturday was CRAZY busy, but I enjoyed it. Derek came home early from hunting (which by the way is a huge deal because it was the last day of turkey season) so that I could go to the Mother/ Daughter lunch at church. I look forward to this every year, but this year was extra special because my Mimi got to come in for the weekend. So it was mice us all being there together. Saturday afternoon we went to Ansley's party. Mason really isn't in to all the party scene, but he did like the swings at the park. Then we met the family to eat at Olive Garden to celebrate Mother's Day. It was wonderful! Then everyone came to my house to watch Mason's favorite, Tigger and Pooh. Then Sunday morning, I got to wake up with my sweet Mason! Derek told him to tell me Happy Mother's Day and he just smiled so that was good enough for me. Then we ate breakfast ( I cooked pancakes) which have become a Saturday and Sunday tradition in my house. I put Mason in the car heading to church where I found a sweet card from Derek and Mason and Max. Mason and Max of course can't sign or even pick out a card, but the fact that my husband went out of his way to make sure that he got a card from them, meant the world to me. Then we went to church. Every year, our church gives out roses to the ladies in our church who are mothers and I was honored to get a rose this year. Then we went out to eat and went to mom's so I could do some paper work for dad.
As you can see... there is absolutely nothing special about what I did or received for Mother's Day. It wasn't diamonds or a spa day, but most importantly, it was from the heart of my husband and from my sweet Mason. It was a day that they celebrate mother's, but I feel like every day I get celebrated when I step foot in the house to see Mason smiling at me or say Momma. There is no greater reward than being a mom. Although at times, I want to pull my hair out or just get a simple full night's sleep, I try to sit back and think about those women out there who can't have kids or have lost a child. How they long to not have that full night of sleep just to have a baby there to call them Momma.
Also it makes me realize how wonderful of a mother I have. We always get asked around Mother's Day what is the greatest memory of our mother as we were growing up and every year mine is the same. My mom had the wonderful privilege of being a stay at home mother and every day she was there to tell me to have a good day at school and ask me when she picked me up how my day was. I didn't think about it until I had children of my own how special that truly is. I can only hope that I can follow in her foot steps and be a wonderful mother. So to all the mother's out there, Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Official Announcement...

As a majority of you know Mason is going to be a BIG brother in September. He can hardly contain his excitement J/K! He really has no idea what's going on. So to answer all the questions here are the following answers:
1. What is it? IT'S ANOTHER BOY! Derek was sort of depressed at first because he wants a girl so bad, but I guess there's always next time... in about 3 years!
2. Do we have a name? Yes we do. Maxwell Reece Bates. Max for short.
3. Due date? September 17th, but I am measuring a week early. I am huge! Thank God for scrubs that are forgiving.
4. Have I been sick? ABSOLUTELY! I hope I am on the down hill now, but I have my moments. Restaurants I can't eat... once again Ichiban, Formosa, or Amigos! I can't think about these places much less eat them. I have gotten sick every time I eat them. In fact that's one way I knew I was pregnant. Derek and I went to Ichiban one night and I have never been so sick in my life. I knew something was off. I couldn't eat there when I was pregnant with Mason either. I pretty much have it down to a routine of how to not get sick so if I stick to the plan, I am doing good.
On a lighter note, I am so excited about my first Mother's Day! I can't believe that this year not only do I get to spend it with my mom and MiMi, but with my own child. MiMi and Pop will be in Friday night in time for dinner then we will spend the day together on Saturday going to the Mother/ Daughter lunch at church. Then Sunday we will go out for lunch on the boys! I have waited for this day for so long and now it's finally here. I always dreamed of being a mommy and now I am to the best baby boy in the world and about to have a second one! It's a dream come true! Stay tuned for more of our incredible journey with Mason and soon to be Max!

Planning For Our Prince

It's hard to believe that I have started the planning process for Mason's first birthday! It seems like yesterday that I was starting the process for him to be here and now a year later, we are planning his birthday party. I must say that I am on the ball when it comes to planning his birthday. We have the date, location, the menu, and we have picked out cakes. Well somewhat picked out cakes. Mom has graciously offered (or I offered for her- depends on who you talk to) to make Mason's big birthday cake and his personal (hopefully I'm going to make a big mess) cake. I am so excited about his party. It's going to be a blast! I got the cutest outfit for him to wear until he eat his cake. We can't get it messed up you know!
Here are some updates on Mason... he's a full speed ahead walker. There is no stopping him now. He walks/ tries to run all around the barricaded living room. By the way, our house will never be the same because of our furniture all connecting to try to keep him in. He thinks (well and so do we) he's really something. We make sure we praise him completely when he walks. Mason walked across the room the other night to my dad and if Mason was old enough to ask, he would have received what ever he wanted from his Poppy at that time. By the way... he's still all about my dad. Mason has also extended his vocabulary. He now says Mama, Dada, K K, and Ya Ya. Although Poppy is his favorite, it make take a while to say his name. He's also mimicking sounds and learning opposites. Like when I say "Uh Uh" he says "Uh Huh!" Don't tell me kids don't know. So there is an update on Mason. Stay tuned for more.....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Little Late, But Here Are Pictures From Easter

We got to go to Mississippi for Easter! We had a blast and I wouldn't have done it any other way. Derek and dad went hunting Saturday morning so we took Mason and the kids to the Easter Egg Hunt for Kim's church. Then Sunday morning we got (well everyone else) got to go to church while I sat in the foyer with Mason then we went to Kim's for lunch and to hide Easter eggs again! Mason was able to participate in this one a little better!
Mason, Anna Beth, Natalie and Weston!

Swinging With Ya Ya!

Playing with the Easter Eggs Sunday Morning!The Easter Bunny Came!

Discovering that he has presents!

Only interested in the eggs!
Mason acting very interested in taking pictures with me!
All about the fake smiles!
Not a great picture but I will take it!

The start of the egg hunt

Mason finding his egg!