Monday, May 18, 2009

Update On The Bates Family

Not much to report for the Bates family, but I will give you as many updates as possible.
Mason: HE'S WALKING EVERYWHERE! It's so cute to watch him walking around. My favorite is to watch him after he's had his bath and we have drenched him in his baby lotion and his hair is curling up in the back and he has his pajamas on and his little tummy sticks out while he's playing. It's too precious! I love when he's walking around playing with his toys. He entertains himself which is a blessing. I can remember Kaitlin being that way when she was little. I just hope he doesn't sneak off and eat dog food like she used to do. I guess I don't have to worry about it- we don't have a dog. We are also working on a tooth. No it's not the top middle ones, but as Derek likes to call mine, it's a fang tooth. So we will have 2 bottom teeth and two fang teeth. Just call him snags. I don't understand how that works, but it's starting to look quite funny. He's sleeping a lot better. I think the walking is making him tired. Thank you Jesus!
Max: He's a growing boy! He's getting bigger everyday and kicks and moves around a lot. He's not really to the point where you can see him moving, but you can definitely feel him. I get to look at him all the time here at work! Be jealous ladies:) That's a perk of working at a doctor's office! He looks a lot like Mason's ultrasound pictures. Derek got to come to the office and look at him and agrees that he looks a lot like Mason. We can't wait till he gets here!
Derek: Derek is working on getting on with the City of Chattanooga as a fireman. Talk about making me a nervous wreck! We have a study manual and he got a letter to take his test on June 17th. So please be praying for him. He's really wanting to do this and I think it will be great for him to be doing something that he is looking forward to. They didn't have any work for almost two weeks so he got to be a stay at home daddy for a few days and really enjoyed it. He got to spend some quality time with Mason and it gave my mom a break for a few days, but I think she missed Mason:) But thankfully the Lord provides and Derek had some side jobs that he was able to do and he did an amazing job on a couple at our church's house. I don't mind to brag at all!
Brittney: Not much going on with me. I am for the most part over the sickness part of the pregnancy, but there are things that tend to make me queasy still, but I am so thankful that I am on the ladder part of it. I must say that I am huge. It's all belly, but I am pretty big. They say you get a lot bigger with your second than with your first. I believe it. I am really looking forward to mine and Derek's anniversary coming up this week. I'm not really sure what we are doing just yet, but I am still looking forward to it. It's hard to believe that I have been married to my best friend for almost a year. We have had a few bumps in the road, but everyday I look forward to being at home with him.
That's all that's really going on with us. Stay tuned for more!

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