Monday, May 11, 2009

My First Mother's Day!

I cannot believe that yesterday I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day! As lame as it may sound, I have waited for this day to come for many years. I have made the comment before that I knew the day that I had Mason I was fulfilling part of my purpose. Some people have no desire to have children, I on the other hand have always wanted children even as a little girl playing with baby dolls and even when Kaitlin was born, I wanted a baby. So yesterday was very special to me even though Mason had no idea what was going on, Derek made it special for me. I went and got a manicure on Friday as part of my "present." I always enjoy being pampered. Saturday was CRAZY busy, but I enjoyed it. Derek came home early from hunting (which by the way is a huge deal because it was the last day of turkey season) so that I could go to the Mother/ Daughter lunch at church. I look forward to this every year, but this year was extra special because my Mimi got to come in for the weekend. So it was mice us all being there together. Saturday afternoon we went to Ansley's party. Mason really isn't in to all the party scene, but he did like the swings at the park. Then we met the family to eat at Olive Garden to celebrate Mother's Day. It was wonderful! Then everyone came to my house to watch Mason's favorite, Tigger and Pooh. Then Sunday morning, I got to wake up with my sweet Mason! Derek told him to tell me Happy Mother's Day and he just smiled so that was good enough for me. Then we ate breakfast ( I cooked pancakes) which have become a Saturday and Sunday tradition in my house. I put Mason in the car heading to church where I found a sweet card from Derek and Mason and Max. Mason and Max of course can't sign or even pick out a card, but the fact that my husband went out of his way to make sure that he got a card from them, meant the world to me. Then we went to church. Every year, our church gives out roses to the ladies in our church who are mothers and I was honored to get a rose this year. Then we went out to eat and went to mom's so I could do some paper work for dad.
As you can see... there is absolutely nothing special about what I did or received for Mother's Day. It wasn't diamonds or a spa day, but most importantly, it was from the heart of my husband and from my sweet Mason. It was a day that they celebrate mother's, but I feel like every day I get celebrated when I step foot in the house to see Mason smiling at me or say Momma. There is no greater reward than being a mom. Although at times, I want to pull my hair out or just get a simple full night's sleep, I try to sit back and think about those women out there who can't have kids or have lost a child. How they long to not have that full night of sleep just to have a baby there to call them Momma.
Also it makes me realize how wonderful of a mother I have. We always get asked around Mother's Day what is the greatest memory of our mother as we were growing up and every year mine is the same. My mom had the wonderful privilege of being a stay at home mother and every day she was there to tell me to have a good day at school and ask me when she picked me up how my day was. I didn't think about it until I had children of my own how special that truly is. I can only hope that I can follow in her foot steps and be a wonderful mother. So to all the mother's out there, Happy Mother's Day!

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