Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An Embarrassing, But True Story

I have never considered myself a super neat freak. In fact, if you ask my mother, my sister and I did not get the clean gene passed down from the Scoggin/ Lang women (my mother's family.) My MiMi, my mom, and my Aunt Kim are all very neat and orderly people. In fact I have to give props to my aunt who's house always seems to be clean despite having 3 young children. But that is one thing that I have never been. I wouldn't say I'm nasty or dirty, I just tend to wait until the last minute to clean or I get in a mood and I don't stop till it's clean. I just had one of these spells last week. We moved all of our furniture and I cleaned baseboards, Derek cleaned out our pantry, and I really felt like I accomplished something and I slept better that night. Well, it's been a week and I must admit that our laundry is backed up and our house could use a touch up.
Anyway, the reason for the story. About 5 weeks ago, I came home from work and was talking to Derek and we heard a cat. Well, of course we think that the cat is in our house. We look everywhere for this thing. See there had been a cat roaming around our house for a few days and we had even caught it in our garage. So we thought that it may have snuck in while I was taking groceries in or something. We found no cat. So we decided that it must have been outside and there was nothing to worry about until Sunday. We got up Sunday and did our morning routine. Mason had a "muddy" diaper and Derek decided it put it in our garbage can in our kitchen. Please do not ask me why because I don't have the answer. So we come home from church Sunday afternoon and it smells really bad in the house. So we thought that it was the diaper. Derek takes the diaper out and I spray Lysol and continue with my day. We went to Justin and Miranda's house that evening and came back home to the smell again. I spray Lysol, clean up around the house, mop, and light some candles. Monday same smell. And finally last night, I came home from Justin and Miranda's again and thought that I was going to pass out. Not good for a pregnant woman. It smelled so bad in our house, I was thinking about going to my parents house. I woke up this morning to the smell again and when mom came to get Mason, I asked her if she smelled it. Well DUH! Of course she smelled it and she says it smells like something has died under our house. So my mind goes back to 5 weeks ago when we heard the cat. Come to think of it, we haven't seen that can in quite some time. About a week in fact. So needless to say, I called my old faithful dad and asked him to come by the house sometime today. He of course reminded me that I have a husband and that THEY will check under the house this afternoon.
I know it's disgusting! I am just hoping that some other women will share their stories or comments and that I am not the only one this has happened to. Hopefully they will find the "source" of the problem today and I can have a "clean" fresh smelling house soon! Sorry, no visitors until then, I don't think I even want to be there!

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