Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Panic Button Has Been Pressed

Last Sunday night Derek and I were folding clothes and chilling out around the house. Mason was sitting on the bed watching us fold clothes and playing with his toys. I had to run to the rest room and Mason has a bad habit of falling over and rolling around on the bed. I usually don't think anything of it. So I come out o the bathroom only to find Mason on the edge of the bed about to roll over. So I take off running and do a flying leap across our bed and I was too late. That poor baby fell off of the bed! So I scream and of course the scream scared him more than the fall did. I froze and Derek went to pick him up.
Mason is crying, I am crying we are all crying. I immediately told Derek to get my book, "What to Expect Your First Year," and I told Derek to take his clothes off so I could inspect the damage. Mason by this time is laughing at me making such a big deal out of this.
So I check for all of the obvious signs. Broken bones, dilated eyes, bumps and bruises. Of course he was fine, but I was still very upset so I call old faithful, my mom. Well she tells me to do everything that the book says to do. Go figure. So I check on him every couple of hours for the next six hours and still he's fine!
So lessons learned, never put Mason on the bed without us being there and always keep a copy of "What to Expect Your First Year" close by!


Natalie said...

That is so scary! It has happened to us several times... and we have hardwood too, so there really is no soft place to land. But yes, I too cried more than Olivia did - EVERY time it happened!

The Messer Family said...

I remember the first time Bella fell off the bed. It was soooo traumatic....for me that is.:)

theotherridges said...

It happens to all of us. The "old wives tale" is that if they don't fall out of the bed by the time they are one you have to push them out. I don't know about you , but this sounds like child abuse to me. Did your Mom say anything about being called old faithful? Ha!