Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Anniversary Part 2/ A Trip To The ER

Derek and I are truly lame! For our anniversary, we ate at my parents house! LAME! We just had such a busy weekend, we just felt like doing nothing. So we went up there for dinner and decided to go on home around 8. So we get home to start our nightly routine. Derek shower, Brittney shower, Mason tub, Mason oatmeal and bottle, and everyone asleep! Well, Monday night, our routine was completely disregarded and we spent it at T.C. Thompson Emergency Room. What a great way to spend your anniversary or any night for that matter huh?
So here's the story. We are in the middle of our routine. Derek is out of the shower, I am getting in and Mason is playing. We have noticed that Mason is,well, clumsy. He is learning to walk and he often sees something that he wants at the other end of the room and doesn't care what's in the way as long as he gets there which often results in a crash. So Monday night was no exception, except for the fact that the bathroom wall got in the way. So he falls, he hits the wall, he screams, Derek jerks him up and I see the blood. Because I had to ask forgiveness for what I said, I will not repeat the words that came out of my mouth at that moment. I jumped out of the shower, didn't dry off, grabbed the first articles of clothing (minus a bra:), grabbed Mason a change of clothes and screamed, "Get him in the car, we are going to the emergency room." Derek BTW still doesn't have clothes on because he had just got out of the shower TMI I know but I had to paint the complete picture. So I take Mason, call mom and dad and tell them to meet us at Northpark. By the way, I am holding my favorite shirt on Mason's head to stop the bleeding. Mason is screaming and I am uncontrollably crying and the guilt of being the worst mother ever is consuming me. So we get in the car and I remember Courtney's adventure like this one with Jacob, Northpark won't treat infants/ toddlers. Remember that mom's and dad's! So I tell him to go to T.C. Thompson. We call my parents back and tell them to meet us there. Derek keeps trying to calm me down as I am wiping the blood off of my son that they will probably just send us home with some band- aids and tell us not to worry about it. I finally get the majority of the blood off as we are veering onto Amnicola Highway and Derek looks at the cut and says, "Maybe a few stitches or some glue."
So I go running into T.C. Thompson with Mason laughing by the way and check in. I am sitting there with all of the mothers looking at me like, "Great job woman." My mom and dad get there and they are trying to calm me down and Mason is playing with dad. So we go back in the back and they putting the numbing cream on Mason and he is still not acting like anything is wrong. And at 10:45, they come in to stitch him up which was terrible. I don't know if it were worse for Derek and I or Mason. He screamed for the first 3 stitches and cried so hard that he fell asleep for the last 2. So a total of 5 stitches on his head above his right eye. I don't even think he was screaming because of the injury because they say it doesn't hurt, but he was screaming because he was papoosed, Derek was holding his legs down, I am holding his arms and upper body down, the nurse, Kelly (she was amazing) is holding head down and he is still breaking loose.
Needless to say, we are a nervous wreck and follow him around even more than we did. I felt/ feel like to worse mom ever, but I am so thankful that God was watching over Mason and there wasn't more complications and it will be a simple scar and a memory for the baby book. I am still shaken up from it all and devastated that my precious baby was hurt. There is nothing worse than that. Thank you all for checking up on him and the prayers for not only Mason, but for Derek and I as well.


Lindsay Adkins said...

awe poor Mason!!! Kids will be kids... this won't be the last time he gets hurt :)

you're not a bad mommy at all....

The Sandefurs said...

I heard about this from Beth! You poor thing! You too, Mason! That is so scary. Now you know how I have felt when Hudson has had his surgeries. It's like you want to take their place b/c it's so hard to see them hurting and screaming their head off.

I'm glad he's ok, and no, you shouldn't feel guilty. Boys will be boys...