Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Official Announcement...

As a majority of you know Mason is going to be a BIG brother in September. He can hardly contain his excitement J/K! He really has no idea what's going on. So to answer all the questions here are the following answers:
1. What is it? IT'S ANOTHER BOY! Derek was sort of depressed at first because he wants a girl so bad, but I guess there's always next time... in about 3 years!
2. Do we have a name? Yes we do. Maxwell Reece Bates. Max for short.
3. Due date? September 17th, but I am measuring a week early. I am huge! Thank God for scrubs that are forgiving.
4. Have I been sick? ABSOLUTELY! I hope I am on the down hill now, but I have my moments. Restaurants I can't eat... once again Ichiban, Formosa, or Amigos! I can't think about these places much less eat them. I have gotten sick every time I eat them. In fact that's one way I knew I was pregnant. Derek and I went to Ichiban one night and I have never been so sick in my life. I knew something was off. I couldn't eat there when I was pregnant with Mason either. I pretty much have it down to a routine of how to not get sick so if I stick to the plan, I am doing good.
On a lighter note, I am so excited about my first Mother's Day! I can't believe that this year not only do I get to spend it with my mom and MiMi, but with my own child. MiMi and Pop will be in Friday night in time for dinner then we will spend the day together on Saturday going to the Mother/ Daughter lunch at church. Then Sunday we will go out for lunch on the boys! I have waited for this day for so long and now it's finally here. I always dreamed of being a mommy and now I am to the best baby boy in the world and about to have a second one! It's a dream come true! Stay tuned for more of our incredible journey with Mason and soon to be Max!


Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Congrats Britt! Your life is going to be crazy with two boys 15 months apart, but I wouldn't change a thing. Just get through the first year and then you will have a routine down to a science.

Kellie and Chuck said...

How exciting! Congrats!!

V-n-J said...

Congrats again!

The Sandefurs said...

Well, I have been waiting to say something until you did...Congratulations! I LOVE my life with two boys and know you will too!