Tuesday, June 2, 2009

6 And Counting!

Although Derek and I have only been married for 1 year, today marks our 6th "anniversary" together. I can't believe it! 6 years ago, we went on our first date and 6 years ago, I knew I was going to marry Derek someday! We have had so many wonderful times and many horrible times, but I am thankful that the good have always out weighed the bad. We truly complete each other and we have a great time together. I can honestly say there is NEVER a dull moment with us. To this day, I can still remember our first date, or lack there of. I was a nervous wreck, but we had a great time, obviously a good enough time to be together 6 years later and married. So just in case you don't know, here's how our first date went:
Derek had been coming to church for a while now and we started to be good friends. Not "talking" per say, but our friendship was growing. We were both just coming out of relationships and Derek was recovering from some issues that he had:) We went to eat after church and for those of you who know anyone at our church, there is always about 30 of us who go eat and today was no exception. Derek had mentioned that he needed a hair cut but didn't know when he could go, so I graciously and stupidly offer to cut his hair. In the mean time, my mother is telling me that I should never have done that because I will have to shave it. So later that evening Derek comes up to the house and while I am shaking I start to cut his hair and about the third snip I yell for back up and my mom completes the job. I was too nervous and by the way, I DON'T CUT HAIR. And Derek hasn't let me since that day except to shave it. After that we meet Michael, Ashley, and Tara at Lupi's for dinner and then we all go back to my house for banana splits. I can still remember the conversations and what we were wearing that day. The funniest part of the evening: getting into Derek's red truck in the 98 degree weather, it's burning up and Derek pulls out Pepto Bismol and takes a big slug of it out of the bottle. HOT Pepto Bismol! I thought I was going to gag! By the way... he hasn't done it in front of me since. He says it was the food he ate, I say he was nervous. Happy 6 Years Together Derek!

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