Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This Is It!

Today is the last day Derek has to study for his test in the morning. I am a nervous wreck, but he is doing well. He has been studying non stop and I could not be more proud of him. He read the entire book last night (again) and went through and highlighted things that he was having trouble remembering. There wasn't that much highlighted believe it or not. If we can get through the Standard Operating Procedures and the different kinds of strokes, he will be doing great! It cracks me up because he'll get to the point where that's all he talks about. His insults/ jokes all refer to something fire related. Pretty lame huh? I guess I need to be thankful though because all that does is prove his dedication to this. No matter the outcome of tomorrow (we won't find out for 2 weeks what he made) I am so proud of Derek and his determination to make something of himself, more than he already has! Please please please be praying for Derek tonight as he finishes up studying and tomorrow morning around 8:30 when his test begins!

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