Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

I'm sure Derek could tell you more about his First Official Father's Day than I can, but I just want to take this time and brag on Derek and my dad for being the amazing fathers that they are.First of all, my dad is amazing! He has been a wonderful protector to me, mom, and Kaitlin. I always said that leaving my dad would be the hardest thing for me to do when I get married and it was. My mom and I have a relationship that's the same no matter where I live, but the night before I got married, I remember laying in my bed and hearing that knock that I had dreaded hearing for 21 years! I wasn't ready to tell my dad bye and leave my trust in another man to protect me. My dad has been wonderful through the whole process of me getting married and having Mason. Lord knows I haven't made it easy on them with the situations that have crossed our path, but he has never failed to amaze me with his faithfulness to be there for me. I also have to acknowledge his love for Derek. Not many fathers can take another man into their home and show them the same amount of love that a father should be showing him. My dad did that for Derek and more. I often tease Derek that he's turning into my dad, but I don't think that would be bad at all! I could not ask for a better dad for me or a better "Pa" for Mason!
And now for Derek. Derek has done nothing but amaze me daily with his patience with Mason and his overwhelming love for him. I can still remember the day that I told Derek it was time to go to the hospital! Although probably scared to death, he still was there to coach and encourage me the entire way. Derek has talked about having children since the day I met him. He swore that he would be a great father because for a long time he didn't have that privilege. I must say he has out done himself. He's not a great father, he is an amazing father. He's an amazing husband! I am so thankful that I get to call him mine.
I'm sure there are fathers out there who had a big elaborate father's day, but to all of us, just being together that day meant more to us than all of the presents and celebrations in the world. Happy Father's Day dad and Derek.

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