Friday, May 29, 2009

Away For The Weekend!

We are leaving for Mississippi today when I get off of work. I know, BIG surprise as to our destination! I am excited, but sad to leave Derek behind. Girls (and Mason) only! Derek and dad will be extremely busy all weekend with the VW Visitor Center, so me, mom, K K (or Tay Tay) as Mason calls her, and Mason are heading to Mississippi! We didn't want to sit at home alone! I feel bad for leaving Derek, but he's so exhausted by the time he rolls into the house around 9 or so every night that he probably will enjoy a little break! Pray for our safety and Derek and dad's while we are gone!
As for an update on Mason's terrible injury, he's doing great. It definitely hasn't slowed him down. He was jumping out of the "Thinking Chair" at Ya Ya's house the other day! He is fearless! A part of me is thankful for that, but the mother in me is terrified. He only has 3 stitches now instead of 5. He has either rubbed them out or they have dissolved. To save us a trip to the doctor's office, I had the nurse here at work look at it and she said as long as the wound is opening back up, it looks great. There will be a scar, but we are just thankful that it was just simple stitches. I can tell that it is bothering him because he tries to scratch it and that has been our biggest battle. But I don't care how many scars he has, he's still the most precious baby and we love him scars and all.

1 comment:

Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Are you not going to Brittany's shower?