Monday, June 8, 2009

We Should Have Named Him Jack...

As in Jack- O- Lantern! That's what Mason looks like right now. He is working on 4 teeth and of the 4, only 2 have broken through. So we have the two bottom center (we've had these for a while) and then we have the top left center and the top left "fang" tooth. Although I shadowed in a dentist office for 3 months, I am clueless as to what the real name of these teeth are. So Mason looks quite hilarious and oh by the way... HE'S NOT SLEEPING! Oh the joys of motherhood. He just wakes up in pain around 2 or 3 and he cries in pain. So he's pitiful! And I have also found that he only cries at night when he's with me and Derek and it's only when we have to get up and go to work the next morning. For example... he slept until 9:30 Saturday morning! Maybe this will be the extent of his rebellion!
Mason also had another small accident. I know... bad mommy and daddy comes to mind! I promise we watch him, he's just EXTREMELY clumsy! We went swimming with mom and dad Saturday afternoon. He was in the 6 inch with dad and slipped in the pool and bumped his eye. It's now a little bruised and scraped! He cried and acted like it effected him for about 5 seconds then he was ready to get back in. He is all boy despite what Derek says! So he looks like we beat him! I am amazed at the stories that people tell me about their children and what they have done... actually I am very thankful that I am not the only one who has a full speed ahead baby!


Natalie said...

Olivia looks like we beat her too! She will run downhill down the driveway BAREFOOT full speed and skin every inch of her body and then go back and do it again the next day! Today she fell face first out of her little pool onto the driveway and just yelled, "I ok!! I ok!" She's crazy!

Anonymous said...

He's all boy, for sure! You should see Ansley's feet/legs. She keeps running in her flip flops, not a good idea. These things just happen. As for the teething, I would just give him some motrin (if you aren't already) before bed for a few nights to see if that helps. I know how frustrating it is and how helpless you feel when they are in pain.